We have concluded our 2024 Jolly Grams Program.
Thank you to all who participated.
Please stay tuned for details on our 2024 Jolly Gram Program. We look forward to serving you next holiday season.
Add a Touch of Wonder and Magic This Holiday Season!
Jolly Grams are letters from Santa, personalized for your loved ones with details that make it authentic.
Jolly Grams arrive in your mailbox during the holiday season, encouraging little ones to KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!
Letters are personal to each child and include personal details that only 'the big guy' (Santa) would know ... (wink, wink). To top it off, letters are hand-stamped 'Santa's Village, North Pole.'
Multiple Jolly Gram letters sent to the same home are UNIQUE to each child/recipient.
That means a DIFFERENT Jolly Gram letter is crafted for EACH child in the same home and that's what makes Jolly Grams MAGICAL!

Jolly Grams 2023
We apologize for the early deadline, but considering the inconsistencies of the postal service, we chose an earlier deadline to ensure the letters reach the little ones on time.
The earlier deadline also allows time to fix any letters that were submitted incorrectly or need corrections.
We thank you in advance for your understanding and for your continued support.
After you fill out the Jolly Grams form, a thank you message will appear with a payment link. It's super simple this year!
Jolly Grams are signed by Santa and all letters will have a 'Santa's Village, North Pole' postmark on the envelope ... to increase the magic and wonder of the letter.
Jolly Grams Question?
Please contact Beth at bruinbessie@aol.com with any questions.
Thanks for your interest in Joly Grams!